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Science Proves the Bible Numeric English New Testament
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“Added Books of the Bible" Disproven by God

Revelations & Teachings: Categories
America the Babylon Famines & Plagues Mega Earthquakes
Antichrist/Beast Growing in Christ News of Interest
Babylonian Christianity Gulf Oil Disaster Nuclear Disasters
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False Prophet Judgment Coming Tribulation
False Teachings, Cults & the Occult Man-child / Bride / Witnesses Wars and Rumors of War

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America the Babylon
Babylon Devours the Nations

Babylon Falls As Sun and Moon Darkened?

Babylon Falls; The Kingdom Arises

Blue Wave or Red?

Crisis Builds Global Totalitarian Beast

Is Another 9/11 Set to Unfold?

Judge Roy Moore's Poem

Repeating Pompey's Rome

The Eagle Will Conquer the Rebellious Church

The Fall of America - How?

Warning September 2001

[ Back to Top ]

10-Horned U.N. Beast

A Single Nuke Could Destroy America

America Being Prepared for the Beast

Calling for the Beast Covenant

Great Depression Brings 7-Year World Order?

Microchip Implant Articles

Microchipping in Healthcare Bill?

National ID Card Enforced May 11, 2011 (Delayed)

One World Order Government Forming

Phasing in the Chip

Selling America's Technology and Security

Son Of Perdition

The Beast Is Everywhere

The Harlot and the Beast

The Beast Mark is Here

The Mark and Image of the Beast

The One World Plan

The Ten King Covenant

"Unifying Threat" Needed to Bring Beast

[ Back to Top ]

Babylonian Christianity
A Visit with the Harlot

Apostate Church Witchcraft

Babylon in Christianity

Covenant Broken, Curse Loosed

Babylon's Faith Based Initiative and 501(c)3

Babylon Takes Captive and Burns Churches

Broken Vessels

Buying & Selling Merchants of Babylon

Enemies Are Conquered

False Revivals (1) Toronto Deception

False Revivals (2) Toronto/Brownsville: Trojan Horse

False Revivals (3) Toronto/Brownsville Spin-off "Revivals"

False Revivals (4) Revival Spirits from Eastern Religions

Invasion To Chasten The Apostate Church

Leaven, Truth and the Bride

Lightning Strikes Churches

Matthew Stephen Moranor

Not The Church

Polygamy in the Church?

Pray for Your Enemies

Religion's True Identity

The Broken Bus

The Fall of Babylonian Religion

The Ignorance of Apostasy

The Safest Place on Earth

The Sea of Mud

They Will Come Out from Among Them

U.N. Considers Forming World Religion False Revivals (5) Todd Bentley Exposed

False Revivals (6) Prophetic Movement

Following Militants, Liberal Pacifists or Christ?

Harvest Big, Laborers Few

In Hell for Unforgiveness

It's Getting Really Weird Out There

[ Back to Top ]

America Could Be Oil-Independent

Dollar Falls, New Madrid Quake, Riots

Economic Collapse Bringing War?

Intelligence: Crash, Depression and Anarchy

Price of Oil Going Way Up

Supply the Body By Giving and Receiving

The Fall of the Yen Leads the Crash

The $75 Trillion Shadow Banking System Is in Danger of Collapsing

Will Your Shemitah Be to Blessing or Judgment?

World Stock Markets Are Crashing

You Have Less Money in the Bank

[ Back to Top ]

False Prophet
Another Blood & the False Prophet

Baiting the False Prophet & War

Children Are Targets of Nigerian Witch Hunt

Oprah's False Christ

The Coming False Prophet

The False Prophet

Three Lessons from Lakeland

Trial of Dreams

[ Back to Top ]

False Teachings, Cults & the Occult
Alien / Demon Disclosure

Aliens Are Demons Manifested in Flesh

Are the Jews the Seed of Abraham?

Are They All the Same God?

Buddhist Priest Resurrected, Preaching Jesus

Call Me "My Father"

Creation / Evilution Greed and the Tithe

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses in a Nutshell


Mormonism in a Nutshell

Repenting for Others and the Sins of the Parents

Reincarnation, Occult and the Word

Resist Not Evil ... When Convenient?

Saved from New Age Religion

Scary Facts About Islam

Slanderers and Railers Against UBM

Sons of God, Aliens & Giants

Saros Curse on Who? (1)

The Logos / Rhema Delusion

The Real Sabbath

The Sword or the Cross?

The Word is Our Standard The Word, Women and Authority

Ultimate Reconciliation of All

Unconditional Eternal Security

Un(?)conditional Eternal Security & the Mark

World Sees Demon Possession

[ Back to Top ]

Famines & Plagues
A Flu Hope, or Horror?

All Fully Vaxxed Die, Losing Immunity to Everything

Aboriginal People Inoculated and Dying

Avian Flu in Vaccine Materials

Bees Forecast Famine and Economic Destruction

Curses of Modern Medicine

Danger of Coming Forced Vaccinations

Death By Jab

Drought and Famine Upon the World

Escaping Continuous Contagion

Forced Swine Flu Vaccinations?

GBS from H1N1 & Seasonal Flu Shots

Gulf Oil Superbug & Humans

Half of GPs Refuse Swine Flu Vaccine Over Testing Fears

How to Immunize From Plagues/Pestilence

Immunized from Christianity

Microchipping in Healthcare Bill?

Important Vaccine Report

New Ice Age Will Bring Famine

People Will Resist Vaccines, Quarantines

Plagues Coming?

Poland / Ukraine Plague Coming Here?

Prosecution of the Depopulationists

Reemphasizing the Need for Prayer

Riots, Instability Spread As Food Prices Skyrocket

'Silent' Famine Sweeps Globe

The New Plagues

Vaccines Linked to Autism

Vaccine-Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks

Warning: Vaccine Miscarriages Mounting

What's in the Vaccine?

Wheat Fungus Could Cause Mass Starvation

[ Back to Top ]

Growing in Christ
A Prison Warden Repents

Are You Dancing with Jesus or the Devil?

Authority Over Demons

Biblical Worship and Praise

Blessed Seed of the Righteous

Blessings Follow Sanctification

Christ Manifest in Us

"Christian" Snipers

Christians, Demons and our Authority in Christ

Compassion Brings Power

Confess Your Promises

Covenant People Have Rights through Faith

Do You Fear? Do You Tremble?

Endure to Manifest Salvation

Families of the Righteous Are Blessed

Faith for Lost Loved Ones

Fear to Fear

Fight as One, Under Jesus

Fire Protection Dreams

Forgiveness is Freedom

Jesus is Coming in Believers

Escaping the Beast of Double-Mindedness

God Grants Repentance

God Gives Strength and Power

God's Protection from Weapons of Mass Destruction

I Pray Not for the World

Impossible Fruit Of Restoration

Like Ducks to Water?

Is the Son Coming in You?

Jesus' Coming on Board Brings Revival

Jesus Stuns a Muslim Court

Let No One Take Thy Crown

Letter to a Prodigal Son

Made Free from Sin

Manna Today or Manna Lost

My Beloved Enemy

My Vision of Going to the Moon

My Vision of the Death Angel

Obedience Saves From Enemies

Our Dominion Through the Last Adam

Obey and Love Or Be Separated

Overcome Evil with Good


Pray Prayers of the Word

Repentance Granted -- God's Way

Rewards and Penalties

Sacrifice and Discipleship

Safety from Nuclear Fallout

Sanctified From Wickedness

Satan Is Under Jesus' Feet and Ours

Saving our Families by Faith

Secret Place of Safety

Suffering: What, Why, When

Suffering Brings Fruit

Survey of Sanctification

The Adoption of Sons

Testings Prepare for the Wilderness

The Fiery Trials - Milton Green

The Good Soldier

The Greater Anointing Is Coming

The Greatest Revival

The Lord Is OUR Shepherd

The Importance of Baptism

The Word is Our New DNA

Overcoming Through the Power of Praise

The Losing Our Life By the Devil's Helpers

The Real, Free Gospel

The Supernatural Overrules the Natural

The Worm Has Turned

War and Preservation

Weak To the Weak

We Gotta Have Revival

We Have Power in Jesus' Name

Willful Disobedience Death Penalty

Word Study: Fools Hate Correction

Words Heal or Curse Your DNA

Your Way Is Marked

[ Back to Top ]

Gulf Oil Disaster
BP Well Tsunami, Poison Gas, New Madrid Quake?

BP's Gulf Oil Well May Be Leaking AGAIN

Capping and Grouting of Fissures Failing

Capping the Riser for the Cameras

Coming Blowout of the Well Reservoir

Corexit Linked to Human Deaths

Cover-Up of Undersea Oil & Gas

Crude Awakening

Deadly Water, Air & Soil

Developments in the Gulf Disaster

Gulf Oil & Gas Explosion / Tsunami

Gulf Seafood Tested Toxic

Is the Well Still Headed for Disaster?

Most Oil Still on Sea Floor

No Need to Drill Dangerous Wells

Oil Disastrously Changes Weather

Oil Falling from the Sky

Oil Really Coming from Sea Floor Leaks

Oil Reservoir Explosion Brings Quakes?

Oil Spill Evacuation in the Gulf

Prophecies, Dreams & Visions

"There's Still Tons of Oil"

Toxic Air & Rain Poisoning All Life

[ Back to Top ]

Christmas (from Wikipedia) Christmas, Judgment and Conscience

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Judgment Coming
Abortion and Judgment of America

An Urgent Message

Arriving Superstorms

Church Oblivious to Judgment at Hand

Eclipse Warning Christians

Escaping the Dragon

Israel and the U.S. a Prophecy to the Church

Judgment Delayed

Possible Attack Coming to Texas Border

Shmita Year Signs

Sodom’s Destruction is Prosperous Ease

Signs Of Judgements Coming

The Dragon Destroyer - 09/17/17

Treatment of Israel Judges U.S.

# <-- What's That in the Sky?

[ Back to Top ]

Man-child / Bride / Witnesses
Who is the man-child and who are the two witnesses?
400 Years Brings Man-child / Tribulation

9/23/17, One Point on a Timeline

Anointing to Death to Resurrection

Coming of the Man-child

Father Told Us Whats Coming

Jesus Will Raise Up Apostles

Judgment and Man Child Anointings

Man-child and Harvest

Man-child, Witnesses & Tribulation Timing

My Resurrection?

Nisan 17, Day of the First-fruits Man-child Parable of the Persecuted Man-child

Rabbi Reveals Name of the Messiah

Reformation Begins Again

Shine, Jesus, Shine

Signs of the Man-child's Birth?

Man-child, King, and Son of Perdition

Man-child / Tribulation, 2015 or 2016?

The Biblical New Year Started in March 2016, But ...

The Spiritual City of God Restored

The Great Restoration

The White Horse Rider

Tribulation Ministry Before the Great Storm

[ Back to Top ]

Mega Earthquakes
Astounding Tremors Since April 11th

BP Well Tsunami, Poison Gas, New Madrid Quake?

Earthquake Precursors on West Coast?

Earthquakes Increasing Exponentially

Foreign Troops Preparing

Foundation for Division of US by Earthquakes

Hydraulic Fracturing Causing Quakes

Great Earthquakes & Tsunamis

New Madrid Quakes Memphis, Nashville, etc.

Oil Reservoir Explosion Brings Quakes?

The Groaning Earth

[ Back to Top ]

News of Interest
101 Uses for a Dead (or Live) Baby

Abortions Linked to Breast Cancer Again

Alien Demons Bow to Jesus' Name

Bible Stopped Sniper's Bullet

Big Brother's Eyes on the Road

Chinese to Buy the Big 3 Automakers?

"Christians" Bombed Nagasaki

Christians Pre-Determined Criminals?

Constitutional Lawyer: Healthcare Bill Power Grab

Criminal Psychiatric Drug Pushers

Death of the Internet

Democrats Intend to Overturn the Election

Detention Camps for "Terrorists"

Did America Quake China with HAARP?

Digital TV Broadcasts Causing Health Problems

Don't Purposely Take Fluoride

Drugs Cause Murderous Rampages

Extraordinary Miracle in Haiti

Geoengineering Chemtrails & HAARP

How Close Is Global Government Covenant?

In Him All Things Hold Together

Innocent Police Murders -- Pray

Is CERN a Concern?

Islam, a Religion of Violence: 100 Qur'an Verses Show Truth

Israel's New Neighbor

Legally Avoid Vaccines

Martial Law Coming

More Black Babies Aborted than Born in New York

Muslims Flocking to Jesus

My Visions of the Building of the Supernet

Out of the Ashes: A New World Order

Penalty For Not Signing Up For Obamacare

Photo of Demon in Dog Form Makes Headlines

Politician Admits Chemtrails Are Real

Proof: Trump Won the Popular Vote, Too

Rabbis Warn Bush: Annapolis Will Bring Destruction To US

Radical Chinese House Churches

Report: Surviving EMP to Depend on Preparation

Salt Dome Drilling Disasters

Satan's Freemason Plan for World Conquest

Smokers Are Being Nuked

Spiritual Rally on Wall Street

Study: 3 in 4 U.S. Mosques Preach Anti-West Extremism

Terrorist Arson

The Iran War -- How It Will Begin

The Partial Birth Abortion Hoax

"The Spirit Gave Them Utterance"

The Truth About Abortion

Three Media Lies About Syrian Refugees

Time to Abandon Public Schools?

UBM Teachings Spreading in Brazil

UN General Assembly Overwhelmingly Supports Palestinians in Historic Votes

UN Getting Involved in the Covenant?

UN Scheme to Make Christians Criminals

UN Threatens to Remove Parental Rights

War Is Threatening ... Let's Pray

Watch Earthquakes in 3D

Watch for Poisoned Food

We Duped the West

Whose Land Is Israel's?

World Population Reached 6,666,666,666 on May 10, 2008

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Nuclear Disasters
Fukushima Nuclear Weapon

Fukushima Problems Getting Worse

Fukushima Threatens Mankind

Japan Nuclear Disaster Unfolding

[ Back to Top ]

21st Century Christianity: Prudent or Apostate?

Addicted to Electronic Games

Are You a Good Soldier?

Cleansing By Delusion

Command Ye Me?

Compassion for Deformed Christians

Costly Conversion

Dear Muslim Immigrant

Deception is Under Control

Deliverance from Rejection and Its Fear

Disciplining Your Children for Their Good

Do Christians Love Guns?

Faith in Balance

Fasting According to the Word

Flat Earth and Other Such Things

God's Sovereign Numbers

God’s Plan And Purpose For Evil

Gossip, Slander, Railing, Reviling

God Rewards Obedience

Hell and Demons

Heterosexual and Homosexual Fornication

History Always Repeats

How to Have Victory Over Enemies

If God Is, Why the Pain and Suffering?

Is Debt Scriptural?

Jewish Friend, Jesus Is the Messiah

Latter Rain Anointing

Lessons from the Tsunami

Loud, Obnoxious Neighbors

Musical Sectarianism

Name It and Claim It?

New Testament Israel and the Lost Tribes

Reasons for Resisting Not Evil

Restoration for the Saints

Roots of Modern Medicine - 09/05/17

Satan Reads Minds & Inserts Thoughts

Say Ye Not, "A Conspiracy"

Secret Place of the Most High

Scriptural Marriage and Divorce

Spirit of Personality Worship

Spiritual Warfare for Souls - 08/21/16

Stewards of All, Owners of Nothing

Study Now; Time Is Running Out

The Beast Chastens Apostasy 

The Shuttle Columbia Speaks

The Spirit of Prophecy

Thoughts Stir Emotions, Forcing Actions

They Shall Cast Out Demons

Timothy's Wine, Paul's Thorn and Hezekiah's Figs

True Church Government

Truth About Baptism

Twin Towers Sign

Veil and Head Coverings

Warning Judgments for U.S. Sins

Why War Over Oil?

Will the Real Church Please Stand Up?

Will Your Shemitah Be to Blessing or Judgment?

[ Back to Top ]

Cities of Refuge

Coming Persecution and Christian Beheading

Daniel's 70th Week

Day of the Lord

Dragon New World Order

Escaping Babylon for Zion

God Through Donald Trump Won Round One

Great Depression Brings 7-Year World Order?

Gun Laws Lead to Genocide

Guns to Be Taken

How the Apostles Died

Martyrdom in Tribulation

Now Is the Time of My Great Plan

Pray for the Persecutors

Rapture Delusion

Storing for the 7 Years Famine

Terrorist Attacks Coming

The Black Horse of Famine

Tribulation Card and Mark

UBM Is Going into the Wilderness

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Wars and Rumors of War
Approaching War and the Coming Dragon

Babylon Is Conquering

Blockade Iran/War

EMPs from Shipping Containers?

Foreign 'Terrorists' Breach U.S. Border

Hurricane Helene Victims

Invasion From the South

Jihad in U.S. Streets

Man-child, Planet X, Revival, X Babylon

Prophetic Storm Warnings

Russia, China, U.S. War Preparations

The Fall of DS Babylon

The Tongue Conquers Enemies

Will ISIS Attack on American Soil Soon?

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God Changes Timelines

Quantum Physics Proves Faith

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