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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Sharlene Campana - 10/27/2006 This past Wednesday during the UBBS, the Lord brought the two following testimonies back to my memory and gave me a remarkable understanding. First I'll share the two and then how they are connected. God's Love Goes Deeper In late winter, early spring of this year the Lord did a very special thing. As I was watching the evening news each night, for several weeks they would do stories on several women who had lost a loved-one. The Lord was directing my attention to the pain all three of these women were in, from mild to severe suffering because of a loss of a family member. First woman was sad & distressed but she would be fine, second was suffering somewhat deeper pain but the third women was so sad, distraught & suffering in deep despair, with no hope of recovery, her spirit seemed almost to be beyond repair. I'm going to just tell you about the last woman. I could hear the sadness in her voice as I watched her tell about her loss, I begin to cry very hard and I had such compassion for her. All of a sudden the Lord begin to take me down lower & lower to a place where no human can go, down to the depth of the pain this woman was at. I was completely overwhelmed with the pain. I wanted to die, I told the Lord I can't handle this, it's too painful, please it's too painful. Then I said God Almighty how do you do this everyday, how can you stand to see the suffering, then again I said please, I want to die, this is too much. He then spoke to me, this is not pain you're feeling this is my love. Love must go deeper than the pain & sadness, it needs to go down deeper to be able to minister love. Love must go under the suffering to lift it up. This was love, the love of God I was feeling which needed to go deeper than the despair of this woman to lift her up out of the pain, only the love of God can minister to this depth of suffering to a woman that was totally hopeless. As you can imagine I was in total awe and I could hardly grasp what I just experienced. Sharlene, I had an experience very similar to yours in experiencing the Love of Christ for another. One day my husband and I were sitting in a restaurant. A lady and an older couple (her parents) came in. The lady was crippled and deformed from polio. She sat right behind me in a booth. My compassion went out to her. The Lord began pouring out His love to her through me. It became stronger and stronger. I thought I would burst. There was no way I could contain it. He told me to tell her that He loved her. I couldn't do it. I thought she would think I was feeling sorry for her or pitying her and be offended. I wrestled with the Lord about it until they were through eating and about to leave. At the last minute, I turned around and told her that God loved her very much; that He had been pouring out His love to her through me. And that His love was so strong that I thought it would destroy me. God REALLY loved her and wanted her to know! His love was so strong that I wouldn't live if I tried to contain it. It was for her. She had tears running down her face. She said that she really needed to hear that. Someone had hurt her deeply. Her parents that were with her said they understood about the Lord giving her a message. They were Pentecostal. My life was changed that day! LaNell
Second Testimony In The Presence of Angels This happened while I was reading Hidden Manna For the End Times, by David Eells; I had made a copy of the book. May 16, 2006 Today a very precious and lovely presence of angels surrounded me while I was sitting and reading chapter six: Caught Up to the Throne (Authority). The anointing was very strong and it was familiar. I've experience this when I was being delivered of demons, the angels were present moving in to assist in casting out the demons. I could give you a more detailed testimony about how and what they did, but I want to tell you what happened today. This occurred when I started reading chapter six. When I got to the second page the anointing was so strong I had to stop reading. I closed my eyes and just sat still. Then I thought, well, maybe the Lord has sent the angels to deliver me of some demons, so I began to tell the demons to leave and did this for a short time, and after a while had passed I knew that this was not what the angels had been sent for. Then I sat still again, they were so close I spoke to them, I said I know you are here and you are standing around me, and there are three of you, I feel your presence. They just stood standing around me; then I began to feel waves of glory washing up and down my body for about an hour. I continued to read and stopped sometimes just to enjoy the anointing. I was sure I needed to keep reading; then I got to Tom Nelson's prophecy on 5-4-2000 of the experience of the first-fruits walking in heavenly places in the spiritual temple of God on earth. "Some are called forth to be caught up in the heavenlies, but still be here on earth there where you are, and there where I am too, when I dwell within you, as well as among you. There is a third heaven that you will taste. There's a third temple, which you will see. You will see it in the sense that it becomes reality, but you will walk in it because you are a part of it". After I read it the Lord spoke and said that, this is my glory upon you. I want you to get familiar with this anointing, I want you to taste it, feel it so when you are in this glory you will become comfortable. I want to show you what is needed to move in the supernatural and not to see it as something unusual. I will visit you many times starting from today to get you comfortable with my anointing. I then understood... WOW, the end times are upon us!!! I'm thinking, did this really happen? It did. I want to share it with those in the faith to encourage all to press-in with your whole heart, don't hold anything back. October 25, 2006 Getting back to last Wednesday night UBBS study. As I was listening to Brother Thomas the Lord placed both of these testimonies right in front of me at eye level, God's Love Goes Deeper & In The Presences Of Angels right in front of my face. It was like they were on two scrolls suspended in air before my face. I began to wonder, what are you asking me Lord, are you asking me which one I desired more, are you trying to tell me something, why am I looking at these two testimonies? It was silent for a short time as I was looking at this scroll like things before my face. Then I thought I would choose love over the anointing, the love was much more valuable to me than the anointing or being in the presence of angels. Don't get me wrong here, they were both real special and I would never want to make that kind of a choice, but I was thinking if I had to make that choice I would choose love. At the very moment the Lord spoke the most profound awesome thing I have every heard. God said, I will combine these two together, this powerful anointing and this depth of love to minister to my people, this is what is needed in the end times. I knew what is was like being in both of these separately, but my mind cannot even understand how it would be possible for the human frame to withstand this kind of power. The Lord then said this is the same power that created the universe. With this kind of power just the shadow of a person or being in the presence of this power would totally set the captives free. This is the power that will change the body of Jesus Christ into the Bride of Christ Jesus. Amen!