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David Eells I wonder if it is a coincidence that most of the countries having a problem with Hoof and Mouth (livestock anthrax) are western allies and most of the countries covertly creating anthrax (poor man's nuclear bomb) are east block and Muslim. In the following scenario the livestock pestilence went up in smoke and spread throughout the earth. A friend just told me that live hoof and mouth is being found in the ashes. Downwind some are getting the same symptoms as the cattle. Did you ever see a computer generated plume from a volcano circle the earth and because of the air streams cover the globe? However it spreads, the curses in Exodus will be fulfilled in the coming days and for the same purpose, to deliver God's people from bondage. Normal livestock anthrax does not spread to humans. With the discovery of strange strains of livestock anthrax having been stolen from a lab several months before the outbreak we really do not know what we have. We do know that God is going to repeat the Exodus plagues to set God's people free from modern day spiritual Egypt. Ex 9:3 behold, the hand of Jehovah is upon thy cattle which are in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the herds, and upon the flocks: [there shall be] a very grievous murrain (pestilence). {9:4} And Jehovah shall make a distinction between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt; and there shall nothing die of all that belongeth to the children of Israel (Christians believe for your livestock). {9:6} And Jehovah did that thing on the morrow; and all the cattle of Egypt died; but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one. {9:7} And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there was not so much as one of the cattle of the Israelites dead. But the heart of Pharaoh was stubborn, and he did not let the people go. {9:8} And Jehovah said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward heaven (are you watching the contaminated ashes from the burning livestock go up) in the sight of Pharaoh. {9:9} And it shall become small dust over all the land of Egypt, and shall be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man and upon beast, throughout all the land of Egypt . {9:10} And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and it became a boil breaking forth with blains (pustules that burst and spread disease) upon man and upon beast (sounds like a description of the spread of anthrax). {9:11} And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils; for the boils were upon the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians. Rev.16:2 And the first went, and poured out his bowl into the earth; and it became a noisome and grievous sore upon the men that had the mark of the beast, and that worshipped his image. Rev.16:2 is not yet but we may be seeing a trial run. Notice that the true Christians that abode in Goshen (Christ) were exempt. Gal.3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: {3:14} that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus Here is the curse Jesus bore for believers only. Deut.28:18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, the increase of thy cattle, and the young of thy flock. 27} Jehovah will smite thee with the boil of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scurvy, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed. 35} Jehovah will smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore boil, whereof thou canst not be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the crown of thy head. John Lallier's vision, I saw Moslem women coming into America and in their inner body parts vials of anthrax and bio chemicals. I saw 180 million Americans die in a 72 hr period, then I saw New York, Florida, Nevada, Texas, California nuked, we will be invaded, Russia and China will do it. Ps 91:3; Eze 14:15; Eze 14:21; Rev 16:2 AKA "Mad Cow" disease AKA "Hoof and Mouth" disease AKA "Foot and Mouth" disease AKA "A Virus" Hogs, Sheep and Cows are involved!! March 17, 2001 https://www.SierraTimes.com "None Dare Call it Anthrax" [noisome pestilence!] On March 14, The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) took action to temporarily prohibit U.S. imports of animals and animal products from the European Union. The action was taken following confirmation of hoof-and-mouth disease in France. This move was supported by the National Cattleman's Beef Association, but hardly came as a surprise. This action does not affect the beef industry because the U.S. has not imported any beef from the United Kingdom (UK) since 1985. Import of ruminant animals and ruminant products from the UK and other countries with BSE was banned in 1989 and import of live ruminant animals and animal products from all European countries was banned in 1997. Hoof and Mouth Disease is an airborne virus. It should be noted that hoof and mouth disease is also called anthrax since they are related pathogens. In the United States, it has always been referred to as livestock anthrax. The disease spreads by infected animals, contaminated people or even vehicles or other contaminated inanimate objects. Meat from animals, which were infected when slaughtered, can also transmit the virus to animals and previous outbreaks have been linked to imports of infected meat. Infected animals, particularly pigs, also excrete the virus several days before symptoms develop so virus particles can be dispersed by the wind. There is documentation that the virus has traveled airborne as far as 156 miles. According to wire reports, Germany is contemplating the use of armed troops along the inside of its borders as part of its effort to keep the disease from infecting their herds. Both the French and the Germans are deploying special troops trained in chemical and biological warfare. The preliminary diagnosis of anthrax for the illness of a worker of a meat-packing plant in the Russian city of Novosibirsk has not been confirmed, Russian Agriculture Ministry officials told Itar-Tass on Friday. The lesion on the worker's arm was described as an "ordinary boil" [noisome], and the worker himself was labeled a "drug addict". However, an ordinary boil [noisome] has little to do with being a drug addict, and there was no explanation on why the place where he worked and his home were disinfected or why production was suspended after he was hospitalized. Medical control was also kept over persons who had contacts with the man. Veterinarian inspectors took all necessary measures to find a source of infection. From New Delhi, Indian health experts are calling the reappearance of human anthrax (that's what they call it) in several parts of southern India "an extremely disturbing phenomenon". 23 news cases have cropped up this year. According to the Jerusalem Post, the "foot and mouth disease" epidemic has struck areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority. This was reported be Palestinian Army Radio. So far, three infected cows have been discovered near Jenin and Hebron, and another 10 suspected cases are being investigated, the PA agriculture minister announced. THE US RESPONSE The USDA had previously banned import of hogs and pork products from Great Britain following the hoof-and-mouth disease outbreak there. In 2000, the U.S. imported $216 million (64.4 thousand metric tons) of pork from the European Union. This represented about a third of all U.S. pork imports and most of these imports were from Denmark. Now, the USDA has put the breaks on all of this. According to Walt Barnhart of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, "There hasn't been an outbreak of this disease on the North American Continent since 1929" The USDA backs up those figures, but Canada states their last outbreak, though small was in 1952. Evidence of the disease has also been confirmed in France, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Argentina and Germany (Germany retracted their confirmation later.) Still some are concerned here. Should hoof-and-mouth disease (read: anthrax) spread to the U.S., the implications are disastrous. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the losses would reach into billions of dollars very quickly. Animal health officials are watching with concern the relentless westward march of hoof-and-mouth disease. New York's Department of Agriculture and the USDA office in Texas are already stepping up preventative emergency "biosecurity" programs and ordering additional supplies of Virkon(R) S broad spectrum disinfectant - The only EPA registered farm disinfectant with a label claim against foot-and-mouth disease. Restaurants have been receiving inquiries about sources of their animal products. Outback Steakhouse, Inc. announced Friday that it had been overwhelmed by media contacts regarding possible supply problems resulting from the U.S. Government banning the importation of meat products from Europe. The company said in a press release that the only meat product it currently imports from Europe is Danish "Baby Back" pork ribs. This product is currently subject to the USDA ban. McDonalds earlier this week expressed the same concern. In a fact sheet about the disease, the Department of Agriculture goes on to warn that "this disease could spread rapidly to all sections of the country by routine livestock movements unless it was detected early". Although there has been some speculation that this recent outbreak could be man made, different strains have popped up in too many places around the world. And to date, no one is saying anything other than, "a virus". No one on this side of the Atlantic is using the word "anthrax" yet. Stateside, the US Department of Agriculture said on Friday it would seize flocks of Vermont sheep suspected of carrying an ailment related to mad cow disease. The decision contradicts a March 6 pledge by a USDA spokesman that the agency would wait for a federal appeals court to decide the matter. The first hearing in the appeal is set for April 10 in New York. The department's decision confirms news earlier on Friday that one of the owners of the sheep had said the government had notified the owners of some of the sheep that the animals will be seized and slaughtered. This means that someone clearly, believes that whatever it is, it may have already reached U.S. soil. The Dupont Chemical Corporation has announced that will supply the Antec Corporation, a British based company the much-needed supply of Oxone(R). "We are pleased that we've been able to assist in helping prevent the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease", said Thomas H. Samples, Oxone(R) market and business manager. Antec International has now increased production of the Virkon(R) S disinfectant to 24 hours per day -- producing 54 million liters of the disinfectant in seven days and shipping it globally -- and intends to continue producing the disinfectant around the clock. "In our partnership with Antec, we've been able to provide assistance to farmers and governments around the world during this difficult time". In Florida, extra steps are being taken due to the high numbers of tourists each day. Florida Farm Bureau Federation, the state's largest general interest agricultural organization, wants travelers to understand the importance of "these exclusionary measures". Carl B. Loop, Jr., Florida Farm Bureau president stated, "Now that foot-and-mouth disease has been detected in parts of Europe, South America and the Middle East, we must keep this dangerous disease out of our state and out of the United States". The organization released a public statement saying, "We aren't importing live animals from Europe, and we need to assure foot-and-mouth disease does not enter the country in any other way". Loop called on Florida's agriculture and tourism industries to work to help the public understand the importance of cooperating with authorities. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has established a toll-free telephone center to respond to questions from the public, industry, and media regarding USDA's response to the outbreak of hoof-and-mouth disease in Europe. The toll-free number is 1-800-601-9327. International callers can reach the center by dialing 01-301-734-9257. The phone center is staffed by veterinarians and import/export experts from USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service who can explain the restrictions and regulations impacting people and products arriving at U.S. ports-of-entry from hoof-and-mouth disease affected countries. The USDA says the disease is not a human health threat, but is a significant threat to the economic health of the cattle, hog and sheep industry in any country where it appears. In Europe for example, the commodities market is expected to drop through the floor. See also God's Protection from Weapons of Mass Destruction
STARTLING MAJOR DISCOVERY IN FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE! MAP COMPARISON SEEMS TO PROVE BRITISH GOVERNMENT IS IMPLEMENTING U.N. BIOSPHERE PLAN THROUGH THE ANIMAL KILL ZONES! Subtitle: Even as British farmers are facing financial disaster, and their farms being poisoned by the burning of carcasses, Environmentalist advocates are suddenly proposing a "rewilding" of this farm land, letting it go back to Nature! This is the ultimate goal, and the Blair Government seems to be implementing the U.N. Biosphere Plan. The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!! Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones! Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again. YOU ARE NOW ON THE CUTTING EDGE For those of you who have not heard of the New Age term, 'rewilding', please stop and click on this two-year-old article, entitled, The Rewilding of America, NEWS1101; then, please NEWS1368. You need the background information provided by these two articles to understand the shocking revelation this article is to provide.
NEWS BRIEF: "Environmentalists and Farmers Clash Over The Future of Farming: Horns Locked In Combat", The Herald, April 19, 2001, Rural Viewpoint Section. [NOTE: This is a British paper] " 'The loss of sheep from hillsides as a result of foot-and-mouth epidemic may be good for the rural environment' ... That is the view being put forward by Morgan Parry, head of the Worldwide Fund For the Future (WWF) in Wales. Speaking from his home in Rhos Isaf, Mr. Parry said: 'Their sheer numbers on many hills reduced the landscape and wildlife value dramatically. Many formerly common birds ... are near to extinction in Wales ... The cost of keeping the sheep is equal to, or greater than, their sale value. If the sheep were to be removed tomorrow, the loss to the rural economy would be insignificant". Animal Rights advocates and their counterparts, the Extreme Environmentalists, have long been espousing the ultimate viewpoint of Radical Humanism. This viewpoint says that, while man is the most sophisticated animal in the world right now, he is also an evil predator that needs to be constrained if Mother Gaia [Earth] is to survive. You see, they believe that man has used his temporary mental intelligence superiority to rule harshly over Mother Nature, and to cause the death of countless numbers of animals, and extinction of entire species. Man must be forced to curtail his ruinous ways, especially men of today's Industrial Civilization. Such advocates firmly believe man must be removed from enormous stretches of the landscape, if the indigenous creatures that have lived there in the past are to survive. Extreme Environmentalists and Animal Rights advocates have long called for an end to the killing of animals for meat, and for letting the land go back to Nature. Such advocates have even coined a term for this position -- "re-wilding", i.e., letting the land go back to the normal Nature that existed before wicked modern man came on the scene. We have reported on this extremely dangerous aspect in the above articles, and we point out that this viewpoint was firmly supported by the Clinton Administration. Many of Clinton's Executive Orders setting aside land by preventing any Industrial Civilization development of it, were issued because Clinton and Gore were firmly supportive of this radical viewpoint. Now, let us go back to our feature article, above, as Morgan Perry outlines his radical views that the English countryside should just now go back to the wild. "The hard economic reality is that there is no money in keeping sheep in the hills. A major shift in rural policy now could be hugely beneficial to the rural economy, from wildlife conservation, tourism, to woodland management". The terms, "wildlife conservation" and "woodland management" are code words within Radical Environmentalism for "re-wilding". They literally mean forcing human beings with their modern despicable farming methods, off the land, and allowing the land to return to its natural state. Fortunately for our understanding, Mr. Parry makes this point rather clear in his next statement. "For wildlife, the benefits would come very quickly. Ungrazed land ... would develop a rich mosaic of grasses, rushes, and herbs under scattered shrubs and individual trees. Far from being a problem, hawthorn, hazel, and willow scrub is marvelously rich in bird and insect life. In time, some woodland would develop and more could be planted. With or without management, scrub and woodland is infinitely better for wildlife than sheep pasture. The benefits for amenity and tourism is obvious: a diversity of landscapes would develop where previously there was a treeless terrain ... but sheep are holding us back". This radical environmentalist is actually saying that the end result of all this Foot-and-Mouth disease might be a more glorious future than the present and the past have been! He is saying that, while he "feels the pain" of the farmers losing their livelihoods, their farms, and their entire way of life, he is glad that the opportunity is presenting itself to completely change the lifestyle of man, thus allowing the "re-wilding" of the English landscape. All the action that Mr. Perry feels is necessary to make these former ranches into Utopian Paradise is for the Tony Blair government to change its Rural Policy. Before you scoff at this idea, or scoff at the radical viewpoint of Morgan Parry, the Director Worldwide Fund for the Future, consider that the actions of the Blair Government seem to be taking the country to this very radical concept! If the Blair Government were to be secretly moving the country toward this Extreme Environmentalist goal of "re-wilding" the English countryside, and "cleansing" the land so it could become part of the U.N. Biosphere Plan, what would it have to accomplish? 1. It would have to remove the present animal occupants from their land. 2. It would have to so destroy the meat processing industry that it would never again return to normal. This goal means that enough animals would have to be destroyed for a long enough of a period of time, that the entire industries of ranching and meat processing would die and disappear. 3. People would have to be persuaded to adopt a meat-less diet; in other words, the people would have to move to Vegetarianism. 4. To ensure that no concerted effort to reestablish ranching would be successful, the Blair Government might want to so poison the land that no one could live on it, or farm it, or raise animals on it, for years. 5. Then, some "enlightened" British politician would stand up one day to propose that the British Government just cede this land to the United Nations as a Nature Preserve. Now, let us consider the current crisis to see if any of these objectives are being met by this current crisis.
NEWS BRIEF: "Foot-and-Mouth Disease Spreads To Humans?", by Linda Moulton Howe, Earth Files, Science Section, April 24, 2001, https://www.earthfiles.com/earth230.htm "The total number of confirmed cases in the U.K. is 1,465, with 13 new ones reported today. To counter the virus epidemic, Britain has slaughtered 1,974,000 cows, sheep and other hoofed animals. A quarter million animals are left to slaughter". "In England protesters are worried about airborne contaminations and pollutants. Many have challenged and blocked the burning of thousands of dead, diseased animals on huge cremation piles forcing the British government to try bury the carcasses despite high water tables on the island. Some people claim their well water is now poisoned and the U.K. government has had to finally admit that all the burning of dead animals covered with chlorine-bearing disinfectants, pesticides and other chemicals has now produced massive airborne emissions of the carcinogenic poison, dioxin. Scientists say that, so far, 63 grams of dioxins were emitted from burning dead animals, which is nearly the amount released from all of England's factories in a year! Dioxins are so toxic that the World Health Organization recommends that the average-sized person not be exposed to more than 30 billionths of a gram in any year. That means that burning all the slaughter foot-and-mouth carcasses has now delivered a dangerous dose of dioxin throughout the English countryside". Slaughtering and burning 2,250,000 animals in open fields is a huge undertaking. Further, it literally means the English countryside is filled with mountains of burning carcasses. As we have previously reported, such open field burning is grossly inefficient, compared to burning the animals in a closed container. The fire releases gases, toxins, and even the virus, spreading it downwind. Thus, the burning of the animals just spreads the problem rather than containing it. This fact means that more land may be polluted than just the land covered by the actual ranches on which the Foot-and-Mouth Disease was found. In fact, a great deal of Great Britain may be polluted through this aerial spreading of the disease and the toxins the burning is emitting. Then, this article continues: "Making all of this even worse, if possible, dioxin contamination of soil and water can last for years afterwards ... the dioxin levels are shocking and expect farmland to be 'unusable as a result of the Government's short-sighted obsession with slaughter'". [Ibid.] In other words, the farms on which the burning and the burying of the animal carcasses has been carried out are being poisoned by the dioxin levels being emitted. The land itself is going to be 'unusable'. If it is rendered unusable for farming and ranching, what is to be done with it? One result is very clear if the land is rendered unusable for "years afterwards" -- the farming, ranching, and general animal husbandry industry will die and die quickly, as it is dependent upon a steady flow of money coming into and out of the industry, just as any private enterprise is so dependent. Therefore, family farms and ranches will go out of business, as will the transportation and meat processing industry that supports the farms and ranches. As one subscriber from Britain lamented, "what are they going to do with an empty countryside"? Now, you may know the answer. Someone in the Blair Government will come forward with the idea that the empty countryside may have to be allowed to lie fallow for some years while the dioxins in the soil dissipate. Thus, the "re-wilding" efforts of the Extreme Environmentalists will bear much "fruit", literally, as their vision of a countryside suddenly teeming with a rich diversity of plants, trees, shrubs, wildlife, and birds will be allowed to become reality. In a very short amount of time, we will probably hear scientists marvel at how rapidly Mother Nature has healed herself, how rapidly a rich diversity of plants and animals has reappeared on this formerly poisoned land. At this point, what will likely happen when someone suggests that the farms and ranches be allowed back on the land, is that government officials will say "No. Your former way of life and of ranching is what poisoned the land in the first place. We will continue to allow Mother Nature to manage that land Herself". Thus, the final scenario envisioned by the New World Order will have occurred: the former way of life is totally destroyed and the land and its creatures now dwell together in "harmony". But, you may say, if the land is so polluted by dioxin that it cannot support the raising of livestock, isn't it going to be too polluted to grow grain? You are probably right. However, remember that the New World Order Plan envisions killing two-thirds of mankind as Mother Earth goes through her "cleansing" action. ["Progress As If Survival Mattered", Friends of the Earth: 1981, p. 68-70, quoting David Browder, Friends of the Earth Chairman, former head of Sierra Club, as quoted in "A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age 'Messiah', by Constance E. Cumbey, Pointe Publishers, Inc., East Detroit, MI, 1985, p. 164-5.] With this fact firmly in your mind, let us look at this article again. Now we learn that burning these animal carcasses releases the highly carcinogenic poison, dioxin. People are not to be exposed to more than 30 billionths of a gram of dioxin in any given year! Yet, the poor British people downwind from this burning have been exposed to 63 grams! This dosage sounds like it could be deadly. Indeed, people downwind from this burning are getting sick. Some of them are developing symptoms similar to the symptoms of the animals diagnosed with Foot-and-Mouth Disease. But, people are also complaining of sore throats, burning eyes and noses, and other irritant effects. If people are being subjected to 63 grams of dioxin, when only 30-billionths of a gram is considered the maximum dosage, are people going to start dying? We can shudder, and only hope not. But, from the aspect of land use and management, the over-reaction of the Blair Government to a mild disease from which three-fourths of the afflicted animals recover, and which poses no threat to humans, seems to be furthering the goals of the Extreme Environmentalists. The fact is, we see farmers and ranchers losing their land, their herds, their income, and being threatened with the loss of their entire way of life. To visually see that the actions of the Blair Government seem to eerily parallel the dreams of the Extreme Environmentalist, we offer these maps for your consideration. Map United Nations Biodiversity Dreams https://www.unesco.org/mab/br/brdir/europe-n/UKmap.htm Map of FMD Actual Killing Zones https://www.maff.gov.uk/animalh/diseases/fmd/maps/overview.htm Notice that the actual FMD Killing Zones begin southward at Braunton Burrows' Biodiversity Zone, and then continue northward, passing by Biodiversity Zones Dyfi, Moor House Upper-Teesdale, Caerlavaerock, Cairnsmore of Fleet, Claish Moss, Taynish. These U.N. Biospheres are not small, either. Consider the area of these zones. Remember, also, that the United Nations may secretly plan on expanding out the existing area of these Biospheres. As you will see, there is a considerable difference between the areas of the U.N. Biosphere, whereas the map makes them all look the same size, and none of them look too large. Here are the affected U.N. Biospheres and their current area: Braunton Burrows 596 Hectares -- 1,472 Acres Dyfi 1,589 Hectares -- 3,925 Acres Moor House Upper-Teesdale 7,399 Hectares -- 18,275 Acres Caerlavaerock 5,010 Hectares -- 12,375 Acres Cairnsmore of Fleet 1,922 Hectares -- 4,747 Acres Claish Moss 480 Hectares -- 1,186 Acres Taynish 353 Hectares -- 872 Acres Thus, you can see the eerie resemblance between the United Nations' Biodiversity Biosphere Zones and the FMD Killing Zones! Now, you tell me; is the Blair Government acting out the U.N. Plan, or is this just coincidence?
IS THIS DISEASE PLANNED TO HIT THE U.S.A.? One of the most fundamental facts about how the Illuminati operates is that it will never attempt something on a large scale that it has not first tested on a smaller scale. We can only wonder if the Brits were chosen to be the guinea pigs, before the Foot-and-Mouth Disease was unleashed upon America. Certainly, we have seen evidences that this scenario might be beginning. We have seen officials from Iowa and Minnesota planning on how to react to an outbreak of FMD within their states. They are drawing heavily upon the British experience [Read NEWS1492 for full details]. We have seen that the North Carolina Legislature passed a bill, which the Governor signed, that allows the State Veterinarian, or any authority he designates who can act on his behalf, to stop any vehicle on any road, public or private, to inspect it for animal carrying FMD. Such authorities do not need a court warrant, nor do they need to establish "probable cause" for believing that the vehicle is even carrying an infected animal. [Read NEWS1491 for full details] This law needs to be struck down quickly, as it tramples all over our Fourth Amendment rights. It sets a dangerous precedent that other states could follow. We have seen evidences that American officials are prepared to over-react with the same panic as their British counterparts. At some appointed time, we believe we will see FMD beginning to break out on American farms and ranches. If that should occur, will we then see the mountains of burning animal carcasses now seen on British farms and ranches? If the Illuminist government of Britain is taking action through the Kill Zones of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease scenario to clear the ground for the U.N. Biosphere Plan, might we not expect them to do the same in America? Since we believe this is likely to be the case, what is the U.N. Biosphere Map of the United States?
UNITED NATIONS BIOSPHERE MAP OF THE UNITED STATES https://www.unesco.org/mab/br/brdir/europe-n/USAmap.htm As you can see from this USA Biosphere Map, the United Nations has designated 47 different areas as Biosphere Areas. We are not sure exactly how large each Biosphere is planned to be, but we have a hint that they may be rather large, maybe a whole lot larger than they look on the map. Notice that the following designated areas seem to be very large, even though they show up only as circles on this map. 1. Area #40 -- Carolinian-South Atlantic 2. Area #37 -- Central Gulf Coast Plain 3. Area #38 -- South Atlantic Coastal Plain 4. Area #9 -- Everglades and Dry Tontugas 5. Area #19 -- Rocky Mountain 6. Area #4 -- Central Plains Thus, the actual area covered by these U.N. Biosphere Zones could be huge, much larger than the relatively small red dot on the map. Will the Illuminist American government follow the lead of the Illuminist British government in "cleansing" the land of its evil meat-producing, meat-slaughtering business, so that it can go back to the pristine condition of 400 years ago, before Mother Gaia was so offended by our Industrial Civilization? In the beginning of this article, above, we extensively quoted the remarks of the British Extreme Environmentalist, Morgan Parry, Director of the Worldwide Fund For the Future, Wales. We wonder if the Extreme Environmentalist dream for America might not be the map of the USA created by the Woodlands Project, where they delineated the areas in which human habitation would be prohibited, others in which Buffer Zones would be created that would have no human activity, and then those zones in which humans would be allowed to live. We reported this in NEWS1368, but we show it again, below.
SIMULATED RESERVE AND CORRIDOR SYSTEM TO PROTECT DIVERSITY -- Mandated by the Convention on Biological Diversity, The Wildlands Project, U.N. and U.S.A. Man and the Biosphere Program, and Various U.N. and U.S. Heritage Programs and NAFTA The disturbing fact about this map is that its top heading says that it is backed by the Man and the Biosphere Program of the U.N. Biological Diversity Program. This is the same program as the Biosphere Map of Great Britain! In other words, the same people who created the British Biosphere map are the ones who created this most extreme U.S.A. Woodlands Project Map. When you look at this Woodlands Project Map, you can easily see that, before it can be implemented, the nation has to have gone through the planned two-thirds population reduction. And look at California! It is pictured as being nearly devoid of population! We do not believe this scenario will occur until and unless the Middle East blows up to begin the Third World War, and all other planned crises designed to produce Antichrist. The burning mountains of animals now dominating the British countryside seems like a portent of things in the immediate future for America. May God help us all. Events of the day truly seem to presage the coming of the final calamities that are designed to produce Antichrist. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now. We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news. Finally, we would love to hear from you. You can write us at:
Cutting Edge Ministries
Dave, John Lallier
John, Dave
John, Dave
Dave, Helen Pollock (microbiologist) Mike Finley sent this dream, I had this dream 2 years ago that myself and a another brother were looking at these metal boxes that our government had used for experiments. Each box had a small window to see what was inside. We came upon one box that was used to kill anthrax carrying insects. As I was looking at the box my friend had and he broke the seal and opened the box. We saw dead insects that were carriers of anthrax...they were triangular in shape. their legs and bodies were long but triangular and their heads were triangular. all of a sudden one of the insects came to life and then others...I wanted to close the box back up, but my friend said "no, let them do their job" and with that they flew out of the box to cover the whole earth. as I watched them fly away the fear of the Lord was great ....the sky was cloudy and dark like a storm was about to come and the insects got bigger the further they flew away from us.
Mike, Isa.26:8 Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O Jehovah, have we waited for thee; to thy name, even to thy memorial [name], is the desire of our soul. 9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee earnestly: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. 10 Let favor be showed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness will he deal wrongfully, and will not behold the majesty of Jehovah. 16 Jehovah, in trouble have they visited thee; they poured out a prayer [when] thy chastening was upon them. 17 Like as a woman with child, that draweth near the time of her delivery, is in pain and crieth out in her pangs; so we have been before thee, O Jehovah.
Your servant in Christ,
Hi Dave, Helen Pollock (microbiologist) Connie Lindler's vision: Have you read about the NEW strain of AIDS in Africa??? It is so contagious that the doctors and nurses wear space suits for protection. The entire medical community is convinced that this planet is doomed, and that NONE will live.A Christian friend of mine, a Doctor returned from the big Paris conference on disease, she called and met with me, and we talked OVER two hours. Since then, their spoken FEARS have become reality. This virus, a different more VIRULENT form of AIDS IS air born.
About eight years ago..while waiting in the Orlando Airport for a friends plane to arrive..the Lord SPOKE TO ME..He said"..LOOK at that other waiting room"..(it was an area of seats, and it was empty..I walked UP to take a SUDDENLY I was BACK in the airport...STARING at this couple....They LOOKED at ME and then ONE ANOTHER..and shouted"..SHE KNOWS"..and RAN to board a plane....(I got up and followed them to that departure gate..to see where they were going) they were heading for Africa.(No..this part was NOT a vision I BELIEVE this couple was flesh and blood..and this was IN the natural realm) As they ran past a group of arrivals..my friend (a Prophet) looked at me chasing them..and she stopped me. I asked her IF SHE HAD SEEN THEM..she replied"..YES"..and then DESCRIBED them. I told her what God had shown me. AS WE WALKED towards the forbidden section of the terminal..a HORRIBLE ODOR came up to us..and she ALSO felt the invisible wall. It was WORSE than the smell of death...it was just..NOT to be described. (I worked as a Hospital Chaplin for twelve years...and have NEVER smelled anything LIKE this odor). We both smelled it..and God spoke and told us"..THIS is the smell of the end time DEATH.....People WILL NOT KNOW they have been infected...and will die within thirty minutes, falling to the ground, dead, by the time the symptoms arrive". ONLY THOSE that are BLOOD WASHED...IN and WITH the Blood of Jesus and have APPLIED the 91st Psalm over themselves and their HOUSE..will STAND.AND they will DO the GREATER WORKS THAN THESE..... For over two years..this disease has been KNOWN to exist in Africa. They PRAY it is CONTAINED..but no one believes that it IS.....The couple that had been "SENT" were sent by a communist block country.....their doctrine of devils is NOT deceased nor has it evaporated. (The Lord spoke this to me the following day).