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WORLD TRADE CENTER WARNING I was standing at the top of the South Tower of The World Trade Center building and I was facing west.I was able to see everything below me and everything looked normal. Suddenly, what felt to be an earthquake coming from below, triggered explosions and rumblings. I tried to keep standing by balancing myself; it felt like being on a surfboard. I heard screaming...screaming like I have never heard before in my life. The North Tower slowly bent itself to a position where it was leaning in front of me and something stopped it. I had not fallen but it looked as if I was about to. I could see people screaming through the windows...saying, "Help me...please, please...Help me!!!" (the screaming was something I cannot explain in this message...it was terrible) The earth had stopped shaking but both buildings were swaying and unstable. I got on my knees and prayed, "Father God, In Jesus Name, please help me out of this My God!! I do not want to die like this Dear God!! Oh Father, save me from this terrible death of falling to the ground!! My house is a mess at home! Don't let me die leaving such a mess! Amen!" As soon as I got done praying an old woman dressed in white approached a window on my left. She was walking on a platform that somehow was raised all the way to the top of the building. The screaming of many people kept roaring in the background. It sounded like thousands. Some screamed, "Oh My God, help us please...help me please!!!" The old woman walked up to some safety window that snapped open and said, "Come!" The people screaming could see me leaving the other unstable tower and screamed even louder now. I said to her, "What about all these screaming for their lives?" She said, "They do not know The Father God and will die today just like you see...they will fall to the ground and nothing can save them".
********************* God bless you my brother David. Because of what you say about the last days, I want to tell you that in Dec. 1999 the Lord showed me a dream: I was on the side of the beach looking at a white passenger ship going very quiet over a calm and very peaceful sea. The scene was repeated twice. While I was contemplating this scene, a voice from heaven talked to me [saying] "September 2001". I awoke crying of fear and joy because the first thing that came to my mind was the beginning of the judgments of God, but I rejoice with tears because of this big thing He came to revealed to me. I did not understand why I was thinking about judgments when what I saw was a quiet white cruiser navigating over a calm sea at eventide. But then the word came to me: "When they are saying, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall in no wise escape. " - 1 Thess. 5:3 After I had the dream I knew that Israel has two New Year times: The civil and the religious. The Religious New Year starts in April, but the Civil is celebrated between the last day of September and the first day of October. Another thing I knew after the dream: The real year 2000 is going to start in 2001. Or better to say, The Sabbath millennial is not yet, but shall be in September 2001. I received by revelation that September 2001 is the last month of the year 1999. God bless you... Bolivar Guevara