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(David's notes in red)
Update: It looks like Greece started the dominoes falling and is helping to bring down Germany which, by reason of economic strength, has been bearing most of the burden for the Europeans. Germany is showing strong signs of economic weakening and may be the country that begins the quick slide down the drain. As most of you know, other than the prophecy below, which was recorded in an audience during a David Wilkerson speech and given to us, the other economic prophecy by David Wilkerson mentions Germany as the beginning of the collapse but mentions different countries following it in collapse. We fully expect this will ultimately be a world collapse. Read David Wilkerson Prophecy and Germany (below).
One of our UBM brothers was in the audience and recorded this prophecy below. Key points to remember about this vision:
It's about to happen---very soon, one nation, and I'm speaking prophetically--if I've ever heard anything from God in my life, I heard it. Very soon a European or North African or Eastern nation is going to default on its international loan and when that happens, within two weeks, Mexico is going to default. (Mexico owes $100 billion -- 80% of it to American banks.) (This was true at the time of this prophecy but Mexico's debt now stands at $500 billion; much of it is held by US banks.) -- and here's what is going to happen: about two weeks after the first country goes bankrupt, (we're going to survive that, because most of that (money of the first country) is owed to European banks---German, Swiss and French banks) but a second country is going to go down, probably Argentina or Brazil, and we'll kind of live that down and say: "Well, maybe it's not going to hurt", but two weeks after the first country goes down, Mexico's going to default on $100 billion (much more now). And when the banks open the next day at 9 in the morning, $15 billion an hour is going to be withdrawn from our American banks -they're going to be running our banks---the Arabs---all the Latin American countries, they're going to be running our banks--and before the day is over, the USA is going to have to declare a "bank holiday".
And we're going into six months of the worst hell America has ever seen---there's going to be chaos---not even the National Guard's going to be able to quiet it down---we're going to have to call out the whole U.S. Army. Now I've had visions recently, for I've been in New York City and I was in Macy's in a vision, and I saw people walking around stunned because they couldn't get their money out of the bank. Now I'm going to give you a word of advice, the first country goes bankrupt---I've documented this and I've got it sealed in an envelope, and I'm going to call all my friends and I'm telling you---this is the first time I've said it in a public meeting like this---but the first country that bellies up, you go get every dime you have---church get your money out of the bank--because there's going to be a 'bank holiday' and you won't be able to get a dime for six months. Now, of course, there's going to be -restored, but the nation will never be like it is again. There's going to be fear like we've never known---judgment at the door. When I was at Macy's Dept. store in a vision and I watched people walking around stunned, they didn't know what to do, they didn't know what was happening; then a bunch of people walked into Macy's and suddenly went wild and began to steal and within an hour everybody---I saw the spirit of everybody in the store---they were robbing and stealing---they raped Macy's and destroyed five floors---Macy's was raped and ruined in a period of an hour or two. That's just the beginning. Folks it's all in this book (the bible) ---we've been warned and warned and warned---you can't tell me God hasn't warned us. You can't tell me God isn't saying something awesome here tonight in this church...we better get our prayer life straightened up, our lives straightened up, get rid of the idols, as Paul writes, and seeking the face of God in holiness or you're not going to be ready for what's coming. God's warning, get ready and you'll not fear these things that come onto you and you'll start rejoicing, you'll not be afraid because your hands will be clean. You've been praying and God's building a wall of fire around you to keep you". We'd like to teach you a song about God's protection. It goes like this.: "There's a wall of fire around me...There's a wall of fire between my soul and the enemy. There's a wall of fire that you can't see...Between my soul and the enemy. There's a wall of fire around me. May it be so with us all"...
Also read Spring Revival, Economic Collapse, Earthquakes
Rob Miller - 06/07/2015 (David's notes in red) Greece has chosen to bundle the June 5th payment with all payments due in June to be paid at the end of June. Let's assume the last part of that article is true and Greece officially defaults June 30th. Greece's finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, told Sky News: "Objectively speaking, we have until the 30 June because this is when the extension of the agreement with our creditors expires". But he conceded that Greece would be unable to continue making repayments at some point. In Brussels, officials said Athens had 10 days to strike a deal. Technical teams of negotiators from the EC, the ECB and IMF hope to wrap up what is known as a "staff level agreement" by 14 June, four days before the next scheduled session of Eurozone finance ministers and 11 days before a Brussels summit of EU leaders on 25 June. If Wilkerson's prophecy is indeed correct and Greece is the country to be the first domino to fall on June 30th, let's see where the possible outcome of his vision brings us. This prophecy was recorded in the audience by a UBM person who passed it on to us. Here it is in part from above:
It's about to happen -- very soon, one nation, and I'm speaking prophetically -- if I've ever heard anything from God in my life, I heard it. Very soon a European or North African or Eastern nation is going to default on its international loan and when that happens, within two weeks, Mexico is going to default. (Note from Rob: Mexico owes $100 billion -- 80% of it to American banks. This was true at the time of this prophecy but Mexico's debt now stands at $500 billion; I am not sure how much of it is held by US banks.) and here's what is going to happen: about two weeks after the first country goes bankrupt, (we're going to survive that, because most of that (money of the first country) is owed to European banks---German, Swiss and French banks) but a second country is going to go down, probably Argentina or Brazil, and we'll kind of live that down and say: "Well, maybe it's not going to hurt", but two weeks after the first country goes down, Mexico's going to default on $100 billion. (Much more now) And when the banks open the next day at 9 in the morning, $15 billion an hour is going to be withdrawn from our American banks -they're going to be running our banks---the Arabs---all the Latin American countries, they're going to be running our banks--and before the day is over, the USA is going to have to declare a "bank holiday". In the full version of David Wilkerson's prophecy above, Pastor Lindsey Williams was given the same thing by the Elite in 2009: Europe will be the first to default and have its economies crash. The US will follow suit right after, along with other countries. Lindsey even gave a timetable of two weeks before it affects the US and to prepare for this event.)
David Wilkerson: Global Economic Collapse Begins in Germany James Bailey - 05/11/2015 [ link ] In my previous post, Why the Greek Drama Will Soon Become a Tragedy, I shared a prophetic vision from the late David Wilkerson in which he warned of bank runs starting in the United States within about two weeks after the first country goes bankrupt. The purpose of this post is to clarify what he meant. With all the focus on Greece, it would be easy to assume they will be the first country to default. However, in another message David Wilkerson said he saw it starting in Germany. So we could see a scenario where Greece misses one or more loan payments without causing a financial melt-down for European banks, at least not right away. However, the losses caused by the Greek default would make it very hard for European financial institutions to absorb, which could then cause Germany's economy to collapse. The whole system would start coming unglued. As Europe's largest economy, Germany has been carrying more than their fair share of the load in the European Union. Over the past five years, they have been a major contributor to bail out funds not only for Greece, but also Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and Spain. In the process, they have put themselves at risk if any of those nations default. Today we see Greece reaching a critical point of needing additional funds to avoid a banking crisis. However, Germany cannot continue to support the weaker European nations forever. After five years of playing "extend and pretend", the German people are weary of sending their hard-earned money to bail out other nations, especially Greece because they are not showing signs of recovering and are not complying with the terms of the loans. But now the Germans have put themselves in a predicament because they have extended so much credit to Greece that a default there could take down Germany too. Recognizing this danger, the Germans have grown increasingly reluctant to continue sending more funds. The gig is just about up. Professional violinist Maurice Sklar shared the following prophetic insight showing Germany would play the key role in the coming financial disaster in Europe:
There is an even greater financial disaster that is falling upon Europe that will collapse the euro, cause panic and chaos there. Germany will refuse to prop up the euro any more. Basic needs in the poorer European nations will be threatened. Many will lose their money overnight as the stage is set for the financial takeover of the Antichrist system. This is imminent, and the dollar will also follow, although it will survive for a season more. I believe we are now very close to the day when Germany will refuse to send any more bailout funds, especially to Greece. However, the big question is what happens after that? Only the Lord knows the answer because the global economy is now in uncharted territory for at least two reasons, derivatives and debt.
The combination of the derivatives and debt leaves no wiggle room. Any large default could cause the global financial system could come crashing down like a house of cards. That is exactly what David Wilkerson saw happening. In the audio message shown at the bottom of this post, he reveals the first country to go bankrupt is Germany, not Greece. So when we hear the news that Greece has missed their first loan payment to the IMF or ECB, we should not panic or run out and withdraw all of our funds from the bank. If David Wilkerson's vision is correct, the country to watch is Germany. We should also keep in mind the difference between missing a payment and being declared in technical default, which occurs 60 days later if the payment is still due. So there is a question about when the two-week clock starts ticking. Yesterday a visitor to this site, named Frank, shared more information about David Wilkerson's vision.
I thought you might like to see the results of a bit of research I've done, in which I found an old audio message by David Wilkerson, in which he identifies the first important European country to suffer an economic collapse: Not Greece, but Germany! (Not to say Greece won't collapse, but read on). Thanks, Frank, for sharing those excellent points!
Michael Snyder - 09/21/2015 [ link ] Is something about to happen in Germany that will shake the entire world? According to disturbing new intel that I have received, a major financial event in Germany could be imminent. Now when I say imminent, I do not mean to suggest that it will happen tomorrow. But I do believe that we have entered a season of time when another "Lehman Brothers moment" may occur. Most observers tend to regard Germany as the strong hub that is holding the rest of Europe together economically, but the truth is that serious trouble is brewing under the surface. As I write this, the German DAX stock index is down close to 20 percent from the all-time high that was set back in April, and there are lots of signs of turmoil at Germany's largest bank. There are very few banks in the world that are more prestigious or more influential than Deutsche Bank, and it has been making headlines for all of the wrong reasons recently. Just like we saw with Lehman Brothers, banks that are "too big to fail" don't suddenly collapse overnight. The truth is that there are always warning signs in advance if you look closely enough. In early 2014, shares of Deutsche Bank were trading above 50 dollars a share. Since that time, they have fallen by more than 40 percent, and they are now trading below 29 dollars a share. It is common knowledge that the corporate culture at Deutsche Bank is deeply corrupt, and the bank has been exceedingly reckless in recent years. If you are exceedingly reckless and you win all the time, that is okay. Unfortunately for Deutsche Bank, they have increasingly been on the losing end of things. Prior to the "sudden collapse" of Lehman Brothers on September 15th, 2008, there had been media reports of mass layoffs at the firm. To give you just a couple of examples, CNBC reported on this on March 10th, 2008 and the New York Times reported on this on August 28th, 2008. When big banks start getting into serious trouble, this is what they do. They start getting rid of staff. That is why the massive job cuts that Deutsche Bank just announced are so troubling...
Deutsche Bank aims to cut roughly 23,000 jobs, or about one quarter of total staff, through layoffs mainly in technology activities and by spinning off its PostBank division, financial sources said on Monday. Deutsche Bank has also been facing mounting legal troubles. The following is a brief excerpt from a recent Zero Hedge article...
The bank, which has paid out more than $9 billion over the past three years alone to settle legacy litigation, has become something of a poster child for corrupt corporate culture. Of course the legal troubles are just the tip of the iceberg of what has been going on over at Deutsche Bank over the past couple of years. The following is a pretty good timeline of some of the major events that have hit Deutsche Bank since the beginning of last year. It comes from a NotQuant article that was published back in June entitled "Is Deutsche Bank the next Lehman?"...
Are you starting to get the picture? These are not signs of a healthy bank. What makes things even worse is how recklessly Deutsche Bank has been behaving. At one point, it was estimated that Deutsche Bank had a staggering 75 trillion dollars worth of exposure to derivatives. Keep in mind that German GDP for an entire year is only about 4 trillion dollars. So when Deutsche Bank finally collapses, there won't be enough money in Europe (or anywhere else for that matter) to clean up the mess. This is a perfect example of why I am constantly hammering on the danger of these "weapons of financial mass destruction". If Deutsche Bank were to totally collapse, it would be a financial disaster far worse than Lehman Brothers. It would literally take down the entire European financial system and cause global financial panic on a scale that none of us have ever seen before. On a personal note, I apologize for not posting anything last week. I traveled to two very important conferences and was living out of a suitcase for about eight days. There has been a bit of a lull in the action over the past couple of weeks, but I expect that to end very shortly. I believe that the rest of 2015 is going to be incredibly chaotic, and we are going to see some things happen that most people could not even conceive of right now. In the days that are directly ahead, I encourage people to keep a close eye on both Germany and Japan. Big things are about to happen, and millions are about to be totally shaken out of their complacency.
Volkswagen got caught rigging 11 million cars in order to pass EPA laboratory pollution tests. Now they are facing $18 billion in fines from the US government. This could mean the end of Volkswagen and severely hurt the German economy. Volkswagen Could Pose Bigger Threat To German Economy Than Greek Crisis Angela Merkel's ministers 'ignored warning over Volkswagen emissions rigging'