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Unleavened Bread Bible Study
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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Reuel Stewart - 09/28/2008 I dreamed I was camped out under an old bridge and all I had were my sleeping bag, chainsaw and my three dogs with me. My twin brother, Reuben, was also there and he had a sleeping bag and a long plastic gun case. (My identical twin brother Reuben has been dead for eight years, since age 21 when he drowned in a lake, but in this dream he was alive. I think he represents my spiritual man who has already drowned the old man in baptism and is now battling spiritually. My brother drowned in 2000 and it was like losing my other half.) There was a little town a bit down the road. I told my brother that we should go check out the grocery store. He said, "OK", but before we left I put my chainsaw and his gun case close to our sleeping bags where the dogs were. I noticed that the chainsaw was almost out of gas. We walked to the town and went in the grocery store. When I got into the store it seemed like my twin brother turned into my one-year-old son who was named after him -- Reuben. (The name "Reuben" means "Behold a son" and in the dream he changed into my son or my "fruit".) I picked him up and put him in a shopping cart. As I was pushing him down the isle of the store, this guy walked up in front of me and began to yell and curse at me. I was kind of shocked at first because I didn't even know him personally, but I knew we had met once before. Almost immediately after he began to yell at me, my son turned back into my twin brother Reuben again. At this point I just wanted to leave but the guy just stayed in front of me, blocking the way to the door and he seemed like he was on drugs and was full of demons. My brother just walked around me and went up to the guy and began to squeeze the guys hand really hard. The guy tried to squeeze him back but my brother overpowered him and pushed the guy over to the side of the isle so we could both get by. We then made a quick exit for the door. We got out of the store and began to walk back to the bridge where we had been camped out. The guy came out of the store with a few other people following him and began to follow us. As we continued walking, people began to come out of other buildings and houses with different kinds of weapons in their hands. Some had axes, pickaxes, machetes and all kinds of knives. The entire town seemed like they had become possessed like the guy in the store. They all wanted to kill us. We just kept on walking until we almost made it to the bridge. I told the people following us that I would sick my dogs on them if they kept coming but they said that my dogs wouldn't do anything because their dogs were with my dogs. I didn't know what they meant by this at first. When I turned the corner I saw my three dogs were sitting by our stuff and there were about four or five other dogs there, too. Some were a lot bigger than my dogs. All of the dogs were just sitting there, not doing anything. (I believe the dogs represent trusting in the beastly flesh. We are not supposed to fight in the flesh, which is why they did not defend me. They just sat around with the enemy's dogs which were even bigger; more flesh. They were all comfortable just hanging around together; they were at ease together, just like how our flesh is at ease with the enemy. As long as we are living in our flesh, others are at ease with us, but when we begin to fight our spiritual warfare it makes the same people become uncomfortable with us and attack us.) I then thought about getting my chainsaw to see if maybe I could scare all the people away with it, even though I knew it only had a little bit of gas in it. So I went around the dogs and as I began to pick up my chainsaw, one of the guys ran at me and threw a hatchet and an ice pickaxe (the kind mountain climbers use). I turned and caught the hatchet in mid air right before it hit me and the pickaxe landed just to the left of me. I picked it up and then looked over at my brother and there were a few guys who had attacked him. He seemed like he had been able to take some of their weapons away from one of them and he was fighting back. At this point I began to fight back. I went at them with the hatchet in one hand and the pickaxe in the other, swinging and hacking at them. I took a few of them down and then I turned and saw that my brother was surrounded. So I ran at the guys who were around my brother and began to fight with them. Once we were both together we were able to push them back toward the town. They seemed to get afraid of us once we were fighting together. (Once the new man, who is Christ in us, fights with the natural man in submission, we are unconquerable.) Some of them began to run away back to their homes. We kept on fighting until there was only one last guy. We chased him into his house. Then I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was. There was a man who had a crown on his head and a long robe with a sword in his hand. (Now it is Christ fighting in the midst of His people.) There were about two or three other guys with him. I then told my brother, "The King has come". Then the King with the sword said to me, "Let's go! " I asked, "Where are we going?" He said, "It's time for me to take back my city on the hill. I'm going to make it shine and we are going conquer the kingdom". (I got a picture in my mind of a glowing city on a hill and the verses in Matthew 5:14-16: Ye are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do [men] light a lamp, and put it under the bushel, but on the stand; and it shineth unto all that are in the house. Even so let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.) At this time I remember thinking that these guys who we were fighting didn't really matter anymore. We had already beaten them and now we were supposed to go with the King to take back his city. So I asked the King if I could go get some stuff that I had left at the campsite. He said that if I wanted to I could but that he was going to take back his city. He then began to leave in the direction where I knew the city to be. I asked, "Are you are going to take it back already? Don't you need to raise an army?" He said, "I'm going to take it right now. I will have all I need by the time I get there". He was very confident that he would take his city back, regardless of how many troops he had. I then felt that if I left to go get my things that I had left, which wasn't much, I probably would not be able to catch back up with him before he took his city back. I knew I had to leave with him right then and there. (The main point I felt the Lord showed me was that when the King returned he was going to take back his city and if I was not prepared and ready to go I would be left behind.) We have to forsake all to follow the King. {Mat.19:27} Then answered Peter and said unto him, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee; what then shall we have? {28} And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, that ye who have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. {29} And every one that hath left houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit eternal life.