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Doris Hamilton - 09/07/2007 On Friday night, a storm approached my home. I received a warning on my computer and looked to see what was going on and there was a storm, with an established rotation (potential tornado) and GRAPEFRUIT-sized hail within a half mile west of my house, heading my way! I thought, "O, my Lord!" Well, I always have proclaimed our rest in the Shelter of the Almighty in situations such as this and indeed safety has been assured; but I was reminded of a sister's wonderful dream of pointing at the storms and saying, "In the name of Jesus!" So, I ran outside and looked at the green, black storm that quickly approached and indeed I could see the rotation; it was a wonder to see but a scary one if beheld with fleshly eyes. I also remembered that indeed God comes in the dark clouds. However, I knew I was reminded of that dream for a reason. Not wishing to have any HUGE hail damage on my little trailer house, I pointed at the storm and said, "In the name of Jesus, storm, you be still!" I went back inside, went into the kitchen and shut my window, walked back to the front door and BEHOLD, there was light in the west, where only green, black clouds had been just moments before! Blessed be His name! I ran to the computer to see the radar in real time and BEHOLD again, the southern half of the storm was GONE! Where there had been a huge, red storm with rotation, hail like grapefruit, there was now just a thin layer of rain! Beautiful, quenching rain that we so needed! Praise the Lord! Can He be any more wonderful? Thank you, once again, Father, for our witness in Jesus and being able to say that every man be a liar, and God be found true! YAY! I still keep smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt and tears come to my eyes. GLORY!