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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Doris Zambrano - April 2007 I had been telling my daughters that we were so blessed indeed, as we all had been noticing that our prayers were being answered recently, often times with just a thought and not actually praying and making a formal request to our wonderful Father. We were just so awestruck and happy that He was so faithful and loved us so much. These prayers were often just little thoughts but big in our hearts. As I was fellowshipping with the brethren in the UBBS room on Paltalk after communion on a Sunday in April, I felt saddened that I would not be able to spend as much time as I would like with my sisters and brothers. I look forward to communion on Sundays and to spending time with everyone in fellowship! I had so much to do since I have 3 acres of grass, with only a regular lawn mower to mow, and much glorious rain had made tall, beautiful grass everywhere. I knew that if I did not get it done that weekend, it would be even harder with rain forecast for the whole next six days. As I walked away from the computer for a drink, I thought, "Father, do angels mow grass?" Well, I just smiled and went on about fellowshipping for a bit. Not 30 minutes passed and I heard a knock on my door, which does not seem so strange except my 16 acres sit 6 miles from one town and 11 from the other, and there at my door stood three boys. I opened the door and the tallest one asked, "Would you want us to mow your grass?" "YES!" I hired them on the spot. Offering praise to our wonderful Father, I ran back to my computer to tell the brethren of this awesome miracle! Everyone joined me in praising our Lord that loves us so much He would make a way for us to spend time with one another, just because it was a desire of the heart! YAY! I praise you, Abba, thank you soooooo much!