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Michael and Michele Weber - 05/07/2010 I was holding our eight-month-old baby, Grace, and we were about to walk into the kitchen together. As we were walking, she quickly moved her head back and I didn't see her move, and she smacked her head right into the wall. It was such a hard loud bang that I couldn't believe it! She started to cry really hard and I was home alone with her since my husband was at work. I was so upset the only thing I could do was put my hand on her head and cry out to the Lord to please help our baby to be okay and take her pain away. Within seconds she just miraculously stopped crying and acted as if nothing ever happened! I almost didn't believe my eyes; there was no way, without the Lord's intervention, that she would have stopped crying so fast. After realizing what the Lord did, we were just so thankful and wanted to give Him all the glory. Later that afternoon, I noticed a red mark on her head and a bump, and I believe the Lord showed me that because part of me started to doubt, thinking, well, maybe she just didn't bang it that hard. I repent for that doubt and unbelief, but He helped me see that it was Him, by showing me the bump, and wouldn't you know, she went to bed that night and when she woke up the bump was almost all gone! She never had another symptom after that. The Lord truly is amazing! We are still in awe! Note from Bill Rowe: When I broke my left foot, as a result of a log falling on it, the Lord healed me that night. But most of the day I was limping around. My next-door neighbor asked me to help him with something and I was not as helpful as I could have been since I was in severe pain and limping. The next day, I began to doubt if my foot was really broken and then the Lord reminded me by bringing back some residual, sharp pain. I praised God and thanked Him tremendously. I was not limping at all and my next-door neighbor must have wondered what kind of tricks I was up to. Praise our Father for having mercy on your child and praise Him for giving you the faith to believe.