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Susan Wilson - 10/13/2013 Here is a really neat testimony that I thought I would share. My co-worker has been seeking for truth but a Jehovah's Witness started having Bible studies with her before I could reach her. So it was my prayer that she would experience the power of the true God. One night at work, she was talking about her health issues: her ears were plugged up, her back hurt all the time from a car accident and she had migraines. Too many issues for a 23-year-old. So I proceeded to tell her how God healed me from Celiac Disease (wheat intolerance) and how He gave me the gift of faith to believe for a healing. As I was telling the story, she said "My ears just opened up". I said, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty". I asked, "Would you like me to meet with you in your apartment to talk and pray?" She asked me how I prayed. So I told her that I use Scripture to confess for healing; for instance, "By His stripes I am healed". She asked me what stripes are. So I explained how Jesus was whipped on His back for our illnesses. She left and 40 minutes later she came running down the hall, saying, "Guess what just happened? My nose cleared up and my back doesn't hurt. I am healed. I feel great". I asked, "What did you do?" She said, "I just kept saying, 'By His stripes I am healed' over and over again, picturing Jesus leaning over my family while He took the stripes on His back". She said her eyes filled up with tears and the pain left. I said, "Give God all the glory". Well, a week later she came to me and said that she hasn't been taking any of her medications, not even her pain meds. What a merciful God we have!