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Rebecca Vogel - 01/21/2007 I am so blessed to share a testimony. Last Friday it started snowing hard with winds blowing 40-50 mph. I had three children to take to an event that I had promised them. On the way to pick up the kids from school, it was difficult to see while driving. I prayed the Lord would cease the storm until the event was over and we were safe at home. Within 30 seconds to a minute later (at most!) the snow stopped and so did the winds that were blowing already accumulated snow across the roads! People told me (unaware at the time of my prayer) that they had a terrible time driving UNTIL they neared my little town and all was clear! As soon as they went thru my town it became awful again. This remained calm for hours as the event lasted thru evening time. Praise the Lord! I was in awe. The true JOY of the Lord! Most people didn't believe me when I told them what the Lord did; they said it was just coincidence or a "front" that moved across to clear that area. I didn't believe that; I knew the Lord worked an awesome miracle. Thanks to all the brothers and sisters out there, especially David, who, without being led by God to his teachings, I would never had even thought to command and pray (agree with the WORD). I had never heard anything like that in all the "Christian" churches. It's a double blessing also as I had just prayed a day or two prior to this happening that the Lord would allow me to share a wonderful testimony of his awesome power to the brothers and sisters here at UBM. He did just that . He calmed a storm for the disciples and He did so for me, also. God bless you all and many thanks and tears of joy to each of you!!!! With all Glory going to God through Christ Jesus!