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Unleavened Bread Bible Study
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Marlin and Gaynold Mozer - 06/07/2007 We would like to share a testimony of God's answer to the prayers from all of you brethren that prayed for our five-year-old granddaughter last Wednesday. Belle had a bite on the back of her neck that had become very infected. Our daughter said the site of the bite had gotten to be about 2 inches in diameter and was very painful and was oozing. She had a fever and a rash had developed over her whole body. Our daughter took Belle to the doctor on Wednesday, but was unaware that a tick was imbedded underneath all the drainage from the bite. Once she cleaned the area thoroughly and found the tick our daughter was very concerned that the tick may have been infected with the Lyme bacteria and passed it on to Belle. We prayed with her for healing when she first called and then called a friend to agree with us in prayer for Belle's healing. Our friend was online with someone to help her with technical support from UBBS and mentioned that we would like prayer for our granddaughter. Neither of us knew how to get the prayer request to you at UBBS. The details involved in getting all of this to come together are only from the mighty hand of God. Everything was put together and Philip Sapp was the person God used to get our request to UBBS so He could bring forth our granddaughter's healing. Wednesday she was a very sick little girl, but the next day she was like a new person. She was feeling fine -- her fever was gone, her rash was going away and she was full of energy. Our daughter took Belle back to the doctor on Thursday to let him know she had found a tick because he didn't know it was a tick bite when he examined her the day before. The doctor noticed immediately that not only was Belle healed physically, but also her nature seemed so different from when he had seen her anytime before. She had a totally different spirit about her. She would talk to him and was so full of life. We also talked to her on Thursday and immediately noticed the difference. Belle has always been difficult to understand as her speech had never been very clear. However, the little granddaughter who usually couldn't think of anything to say was talking a mile a minute and we could understand perfectly all she was so excited to share with us. She lives in Arkansas and we live in Nebraska. We thank God for all the details He worked out to get the prayer of our hearts to UBBS and we thank all of you for your prayers for Belle.