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Michael At the time of this vision, I was reading David's teaching concerning the rapture called, When Do We Go? David had sent me an email and instructed me to read this article. However, when I started to read the article, it became apparent that a deeper "study" of the Word was required. It is so full of understanding where "line upon line, upon line, upon line etc". has been fitted together that I have not seen anything like it outside of the scripture. Since this time, I have listened to several of the audio teachings at americaslastdays.com, including the bible studies. I have also read all of the teachings with the exception of David's book. It is harder to "speak the truth" than it is to "write about the truth"; however, David does both extremely well. David takes on controversial subject areas and speaks to them truthfully with overwhelming scriptural based evidence that is nothing less than inspiring. David himself has a contrite heart. He is not haughty. After having studied his "Rapture When" paper for the second time, I was praying about David, and the Lord touched me and asked me to pray for his family, specifically for his boys. Well, I have two boys, and I know what it is like to "feel" alone sometimes when we are praying for loved ones. When they are resisting God, they also resist us. The burden isn't heavy because of Jesus, but it is constant, because we love them. When I tried to sleep, my spirit seemed to be caught in a whirlwind of burdens. I was praying for mercy, which seems to be the one prayer that draws the Holy Spirit into controlling in us what I call the orchestration of the Father's will. Somewhere in this experience I fell asleep and a dream started of a man. He was tall, and on the thin side. He was standing with an open bible in his hand. He was wearing a straw hat with a wide blue band. The hat had a full brim, like a cowboy's hat. He was wearing a blue waistcoat that was trimmed in yellow/gold, which included the collar and sleeves. He wore black Bermuda shorts and socks with very comfortable walking shoes. Most distinct of all was the fact that he wore glasses with gold frames. He is prepared for ministry and is clothed in righteousness. As he lifted up the bible and began to speak, no words or sounds came out of his mouth. Instead, it was a river in the shape of a square and looked something like a waffle. It was clear like water and moved as if it were vibrating. As I moved closer, I could see that it was a vision within a vision. The words had become a raging river, yet it was constructed as if it was woven. I was seeing a vision of "line upon line" being spoken. Looking even closer, I could see principalities and demons. They were frozen in place (by the waters) and their works were destroyed. Some of them on the edge of the water called to others on the other side about what to do next. Unfortunately for them, an angel was there, and he repeated their plans. Immediately, he wielded around unexpectedly and spoke again, and another vision (river) flooded through the works of darkness and they were destroyed again. Anywhere the enemy went, he spoke and the works of the enemy were destroyed. Then I understood what I was seeing concerning these teachings. They are not designed for education. They are designed to encourage spiritual victory. He has been prepared to go anywhere and speak the truth, which will correct what it is that believers are accepting as false doctrines that have, or will, ensnare many believers. Some believers have the truth but can't find anyone else who will confirm it. Furthermore, the Lord has done a marvelous work by integrating one truth tightly into another. This is why his teaching is like a powerful river. When I listen to David's teaching methods, he explains one truth in so many ways from so many biblical sources, that the weight of it destroys what isn't true. More importantly, he accomplishes this in the lives of believers who are God's elect who were in the process of going astray. For example, when I read the book of Revelation the Holy Spirit told me that the U.S.A. is Babylon. I thought that this was the work of a demonic spirit until I read David's teaching, which confirmed what the Lord was trying to show me. The same is true concerning the work of Ivan Panin and the perfection that exists in the written word. I knew that the word of the Lord was perfect but I couldn't find the confirmation until I listened to how David applies Panin's corrections to the translations. This takes work. There was one other small item that the Lord mentioned about this dream and it has to do with discerning the differences between the wheat and the tares. I haven't researched this yet so I can't even suggest how this applies to the vision. Maybe this is a separate word. Right now I can't say. Many believers are going astray based on the deception associated with tiny deviations from the truth. This is why I believe that David has a powerful deliverance ministry, which has been prepared by the Lord to deliver the elect from the snares that are hidden within each deception. Often, when one lie is exposed or one truth illuminated, the joy of the Lord becomes our strength. The river doesn't hurt the believer; it cleanses us. One word of caution in this regard, many believers will reject what David is teaching, because they will see it as a violent assault on their understanding of the truth. What I saw in my dream shows clearly that this river of truth is powerful. At first, it is designed to destroy strongholds in our understanding that bind us. We must yield to the Lord and allow the tearing down; however, we all know what happens when we are unbound. We gain true freedom. I have often heard David ask for prayers to be strengthened, but I feel a burden for his family. So I am going to continue to lift up David and his family. May David rejoice and not be burdened and may his family be continuously surrounded by the many blessings, mercies, and presence of the Lord. Also, I believe in these teachings and I believe that the Father will open up many more doors of opportunity to liberate the body of Christ with this ministry. Finally, I want to thank David and his co-ministers for making the truth available according to the Word.