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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Miraculous Ham

Pastor Bean

Pastor Bean is currently running a feeding ministry in North Charleston, SC, which is basically an impoverished slum.

In 1965 I was stationed at the Pentagon working at the Headquarters of the USAF. Having been introduced to Pentecost at a Church of God, while in basic training in Texas, I looked for a COG to attend while in the DC area. I choose the King Street COG in Alexandria, VA. While there, I had a SS teacher by the name of Ron Gardner. We became very good friends. I learned that Ron's parents were ministers. It was not long before I heard his dad preach at the King Street COG. Like his dad, Ron had a deep understanding of the Bible.

Ron and the rest of the kids were raised as PKs while his dad would work during the day and preach at night or whenever given the opportunity. His dad would itinerant from church to church, much like a "circuit riding preacher" of the past would do. Many times they had to "pray in the food" for the supper meal. Things were especially difficult in the winter because he often got paid with vegetables and eggs. This one winter things were extremely difficult for the family. Their funds were depleted and the food in the house was almost entirely used up. His dad could not always find steady work in the winter. They had been saving a ham (Virginia ham) for a 'special'. occasion. Little did they know that the special occasion would be the start of a meal that would last all winter. The ham was prepared and served as if there would be plenty more to follow. That meant all ate their fill. What was left was placed in the "ice box" for the next meal. When it was brought to the table for the next meal it looked as if no one had eaten from it. So, that night "great thanksgiving" was given as well as the usual prayer to the Lord. Thanks was given for the miraculous provision of the ham. All winter long that one ham fed the Gardner family. (I don't recall the exact year - but I think it was the late '40s.)

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