U n l e a v e n e d   B r e a d   M i n i s t r i e s

Poetry of Glenn Hall

Before I Die Good Day To You! Just the Wind
Rambling lines rhyme in space
changing patterns, changing place
until all we hear in our own mind
is our own vision, our own lie

"But I only dwell in time you see,
I don't yet know eternity;
I'm flesh and bones and blood and pain;
I count my loss by what I gain."

"Well, have you yet begun to choose
and learned to gain by what you lose?
And have you learned to love another
as a baby loves its mother?"

"I only dwell in time you see,
I have no real reality;
I have no higher god than I,
I want to get before I die."

"Then you must die before you die
and put aside the devil's lie
that you can take your worldly wealth,
your lust, your pride, and your good health;

"That you can take your girlish figure,
your handsome face or planned-for future;
you have to live as dead right now,
dead to all this world says, 'Wow!'

"For this is truth, and Jesus meant it,
but foolish hearts will soon forget it,
'He who saves his soul must die
to all the worldly devil's lie'."

Jamin pushed
his barefoot heels
into his horse's side;

Bright blue feather
in his cap,
all smiles did that boy ride

He met a jolly beggar who
seemed a trifle down

So Jamin looked
into his pack
to find a penny round

And finding four
he gave one to
this beggar poor by fate

thinking, "I would rather
give one now
than hold on 'til too late".

Then Jamin went
a mile or two
and saw a starving widow

"Mother", he said,
"what can I do
to ease your cares and woe?"

"I know not what",
the bride replied,
"I have many mouths to feed,

but God knows
my many woes
and will meet my every need".

"Good woman", said the youth,
"I have with me pennies three;

please take them
for your children
and do all with them you please".

So off the peasant pushed
once more,
his horse beneath his seat,

and seeing a tumbled cart,
broke down,
another did he greet.

"Kind sir", the good youth
now proclaimed,
"I see you sore in need.

Please tell me where
to find a spare
that you may do your deed".

Jamin followed all
his good advice
and quickly fixed that wheel,

and the man,
a jolly sort,
said, "Son, I'll make a deal.

"I see in you a man of strength
and giving too;

take now these four and twenty pence,
and now,
good day to you!"

When you are walking
along the way
you hear a voice
behind you say
"This is the way,
walk in it".

You turn your head,
but no one's near
You put your hand
up to your ear
and then you say,
"Who said it?"

It's just the wind,
blowing through the trees
There's no one talking
there to me.

It's just the wind;
I've heard it blow before;
I'll just keep walking
to my own door.

It's just the wind.

So you keep walking
with head held high
refuse to listen
or wonder why
or wonder who
who said it.

There is a way
that seems right to man
he makes his way
and all his plans
his futile plans....

A voice cries behind you
and says, "I am the Way."
That voice stays behind you
'cause you won't go that way.

Yes, you are walking
along the way
you hear a voice
behind you say
"This is the way,
walk in it".

You turn your head,
but no one's near
You put your hand
up to your ear
and then you say,
"Who said it?"

It's just the wind,
blowing through the trees
There's no one talking
there to me.

It's just the wind;
I've heard it blow before;
I'll just keep walking
to my own door.

It's just the wind,
blowing through the trees
There's no one talking
there to me.

It's just the wind;
I've heard that voice before;
I'll just keep walking
to my own door.

It's just the wind.

Men Faint with Fear New Hope Haven
Men faint with fear
in the midst of the land;
the Day of the LORD
is surely at hand.

Morality no longer
is what it has been;
like gold in the snout
of a pig are all men.

"Chastity," "prudence,"
these words are no more;
they're long since forgotten
in the world of the whore.

We whore after sex;
we whore after money;
we bow down to mammon
and ever more "honey."

We fail to repent
though God told us to;
"We're covered by grace
to do what we do!"

We call evil good
and say there's no sin;
"I can do what I want
with the entrails of men.

"I can remake the laws
with sins I define;
I can silence the mouth
of an earlier time.

"I can make untold prisons,
start wars at my will,
enslave all your children
and teach them to kill.

"I seduce all your youth
with music and clothes,
corrupt all your preaching
yet nobody knows."

We think we're so holy,
so close to our God,
but we've not walked one mile
on the road where he trod.

We say we are Christian,
that Jesus we'd hear,
but if he came to our church,
he'd be out on his ear!

The power of the holy
is finally broken,
"the power of godliness"
is merely a token.

So man faints with fear
at the coming unknown.
He'll reap the wild whirlwind
for the sins that he's sown.

A haven in the wilderness
I will give you in its time
A place of peace, serenity,
and justice most sublime

A haven where the springs flow
and winds stir in your midst
where my Spirit always speaks
to guests who come visit

There's new hope in the air
in the marrow of your bone;
there's prophecy fulfilling
the words that you've been shone

No longer do we say
the time is very near;
now we say in earnest,
the time is truly here.

Not of this World Precision Start with Me
My Kingdom is not of this world
and my soldiers fight not in its war

for politics is the art of deception,
of bribery, shame and the whore

My Kingdom is not of this world
for the world follows none of my laws

and is always consumed with its mammon
while it shamelessly worships its gods

My Kingdom is not of this world
or I myself would have fought

but I have left an example
and by my life I have taught

that you are to love one another
forsaking ambition and pride

and you are to lay down your lives
while deep inside you, you hide

the seed that I planted in chaos,
in the darkest recess of time,

of a glory beyond all your reason
and the poet's enchanting rhyme

Yes the Kingdom of God is within you
awaiting your sovereign rule

while the world about you is shadow,
the shifting sand of the fool.

like an engine
that the master
mechanic makes

like the clock
of which the
universe partakes

like the string
that acoustic
music shakes

like the children
that the perfect
father shapes

As lovely as a babe in arms, you are
radiant as the virgin bride, you are
Patient since the dawn of time, so far
Molding us to your will ... you are

You're holy; that's who you are
You're wholly, wholly set apart

As lovely as a babe in arms, you are
created that glow within her, her very heart
Patient since the dawn of time, so far
you created the law with mercy, that's who you are

You're holy; that's who you are
You're wholly, wholly set apart
but I can't approach you with sin deep in my heart
and I can't deny you, oh tell me where to start

When I hear the wind blow through the trees
I know you are
When I hear the birds sweetly sing
I know you are

You're holy; that's who you are
You're wholly, wholly set apart
but I can't approach you with sin deep in my heart
and I can't deny you, oh tell me where to start

Start with me ... my name is Jesus
Start with me ... I am your God
Start with me ... my name is Jesus
Start with me ... I am your God
Start with Me

The Hidden Word The Image of Grace
Your word I have hid in my heart
that I might not sin against you.
Though old it was late I did start;
your word I have hid in my heart.
And though the enemy tries always to thwart,
in his mazes of ways all untrue,
your word I have hid in my heart
that I might not sin against you.

(From Psalm 119:11)

Suddenly that day arrives, appointed in time
the prophecy fulfilled of the seer's last sign
that rights all the wrongs of failing mankind
and moves that tall mountain we all tried to climb

That day will soon come though the road has been long,
the yoke has been heavy, the burden so strong
The night is near over, the dark almost gone;
the singers have sung, but there's one final song

That day we'll awaken from death's final sting
no longer bruised, battered, or bleeding
no longer scattered, scurrying, or greeding
no longer veiled, but truly beholding

For on that day we'll see as we're seen
we'll be what I Am always has been,
Immortal, eternal, like the only wise God
and holding His scepter, the cast iron rod

Then we'll be fit to rule in His place
beholding the mercy that dwells in his face,
firstfruits forever of a glorified race
now made in His image, the image of grace.

This "printer-friendly" document was printed from Unleavened Bread Ministries' website at www.ubm1.org. View this document online at www.ubm1.org/?page=poetry-hall