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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Blender Repaired

Michael - 12/06/2010

I bought my wife a fairly expensive blender last year. She likes to make smoothies, which involves chopping up ice. About a month ago it quit working for her. She told me about it and one day, seeing it set there, I decided to pray over it. I plugged it in and nothing happened. I left it alone and a week later my wife told me she tried the blender again and it worked just fine. Praise God!

Me, Too!
M. - 12/09/2010

About a month ago, our expensive blender quit working, too! I use it to make smoothies, as well. I read the testimony from Michael and said, "Well, if the LORD repaired their blender, He'd repair mine, too". I resolved that when I went home from work I would pray over and plug that blender in every day until the Lord healed it!

Well, I just prayed over and turned on that blender and it WORKED! Then the lord said, "Now go and tell them". I really needed a miracle today, LORD (tears). Thank you. You are an awesome GOD!

Thanks for your testimony, Michael! No testimony is too small to encourage the brethren!!!

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